E' ufficiale! Spoon Rest è tra i cinque nominati come "Miglior Video
Musicale" ai Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards!
Dalle fresche colline umbre al cuore di Hollywood la strada è breve.
La cerimonia sarà il 12 Settembre e il Red Carpet inizierà alle 5pm!
Complimenti al nostro regista Tiziano Fioriti e alla sua crew!

It's official! Spoon Rest is one of the five nominees as "Best Music
Video" at Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards!
Hollywood has never been so close! Upcoming event is for August
festival will be held on September 12, 2015. Red Carpet starts at 5pm!
Congrats to our director Tiziano Fioriti and his whole crew!

Spoon Rest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWj955Sau6s
Nominations: http://www.laiffawards.com/august-nominees.html
